Teen bargain beauty secrets (and freebies) revealed.
CASH IN on these fabulous bargain beauty tips that are pretty, pretty awesome!
1FIND BEAUTY BARGAINS IN UNEXPECTED PLACES. Amazing Shea Sugar Body Scrubs can be scored at Walmart for just $6.48, while stunning eye shadows in gorgeous colors can be snagged at Nordstrom for just $4! Walmart offers free ship-to-store, while Nordstrom offers free shipping right to your door. Check out TeenFreeway’s Great Deals page for even more beauty bargains in unexpected places.
2LET HYDROGEN PEROXIDE MAKE YOU SMILE WITH STYLE. Hydrogen peroxide can also be purchased for less than a dollar at your local drugstore and be used as a very inexpensive method to whiten your teeth. Pour a half a cup of hydrogen peroxide and water into a cup and stir. Swish the mixture around in your mouth for a few minutes and spit it out; being careful not to swallow it.
3MAKE YOUR OWN LONG-LASTING LIP COLOR. Apply powder blush directly under a coat of lip balm and you’ll have color that will last twice as long as regular lipstick.
4USE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FOR SHINY HAIR. Apple cider vinegar is half the price of traditional hair treatment products and it works wonders! Pour apple cider vinegar on your hair once every 3 weeks and follow it up with an ice-cold water rinse. Using ice cold water will help you get rid of product build up and add extra shine to your hair.
5USE VASELINE TO MAKE YOUR FRAGRANCE LAST LONGER. Having to reapply your fragrance can be a very expensive proposition. Apply a little bit of Vaseline to your spray areas and then spray the fragrance directly on the Vaseline. This will help the scent of your fragrance last much longer.
6USE OLIVE OIL TO REMOVE YOUR LIPSTICK Dab the olive oil onto a Q-tip and it will remove the lipstick and moisturize your lips, too!
7BAKING SODA IS A TEEN’S BFF! Baking soda can also be purchased for under $1 and has many, many BEAUTIFUL uses!
*FACIAL SCRUB: Mix one cup of baking soda with 1/3 cup of water to create a gentle and soothing unscented facial scrub.
*SUNBURN SOOTHER: Combine 5 tablespoons of baking soda with one quart of water. Stir the mixture and apply it to sunburned skin with a washcloth.
*TEETH WHITENER AND MOUTHWASH. Brush your teeth with baking soda alone for a quick whitening boost. Put one tablespoon of baking soda into an 8 ounce glass of water and use it as a non-alcoholic based alternative to mouthwash.
*DEODORANT: Use your fingers to lightly apply baking soda lightly to your underarms. It will stop sweat and odors without the use of harsh chemicals.
*FOOT SCRUB: Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda into a tub filled with warm water and soak.
*MANI/PEDI: Clean your nails and soften your cuticles by dipping your nail brush into baking soda and a little bit of water.
*COMB CLEANER: Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to a bowl of warm water to remove oil and product residue from your comb and hairbrush.
*SOOTHE RAZOR BURN: Add two tablespoons of baking soda to one cup of water and wipe onto legs to soothe irritation.
*SHOE DEODORIZER Sprinkling baking soda onto leather shoes (like you would with tennis shoes) can harm the material, so fill the toe of a sock or a coffee filter with baking soda and leave in your shoes overnight to absorb odors.
8THE BEAUTY OF LEMONS. Lemons can be purchased for under $1 and will help you achieve that million dollar look! Strengthen your nails by cutting a lemon in half and inserting your fingers inside the pulp so that your nails are fully covered by the lemon. Keep your nails inside the lemon pulp for 15 minutes and your nails will feel vibrant and soothed. We suggest doing this every week and at the end of the month, you will have healthy nails! Lemons can also be used to rectify self-tanning errors. If you used a little too much of your self-tanner, cut a lemon in half and squeeze the lemon juice on the problem spot; using the wedge to rub in the lemon juice. Rinse off the lemon juice and repeat the process. The citric acid in the lemon will lift the problem spot and even out your skin tone. Lemons can also be used to highlight your hair. Cut two lemons in half and squeeze the juice into a bowl, removing the seeds. Add an equal amount of water to the bowl and stir. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well. Spray the mixture on the parts of your hair you would like to highlight and sit in the sun for 30 minutes. The longer you stay in the sun, the lighter your hair will become.